40 Almighty Ramses II

  • June 23, 2024
  • Amusnet Interactive
1 people played this game

My Experience as Pharaoh Ramses the Great

Arriving in Ancient Egypt

I had always been fascinated by stories of ancient Egypt, so when I suddenly found myself transported back in time and place as the legendary Pharaoh Ramses II, I could hardly believe it. Gazing upon the bustling cities and magnificent pyramids for the first time, it was truly an awe-inspiring sight to behold.

The Challenges and Rewards of Rule

Wielding power over such a vast kingdom was no easy task. Difficult decisions had to be made and conflicts resolved on a daily basis. However, seeing my people prosper and culture flourish under my leadership was its own reward. While the responsibilities of the throne were great, the accomplishments were far greater.

A Close Call in Battle

During one particularly fierce clash with Libyan invaders, an arrow nearly ended my reign before it had truly begun. By some miracle, my shield deflected the projectile at the last moment. The soldiers and I shared a moment of stunned relief before courageously pressing on to victory once more. It was a sobering reminder of mortality, even for a god among men.

Guidance for Future Pharaohs

To those who may one day sit on Egypt's throne, know that strength alone is not enough. Wisdom, compassion, and justice for all people must guide your hand. Cherish both your people and your gods, for without either, a kingdom cannot endure. Rule with dignity, build for eternity - this is the way of the pharaoh.

A Prosperous Reign

Over many decades, I expanded our borders and commissioned grand monuments that would stand for millennia. Trade and wealth flowed into our lands like the great Nile. Most of all, I gave my people peace - the greatest gift a ruler can bestow. Now, as I feel my time drawing to a close, I am content knowing Egypt will continue to thrive for generations to come.

My Legacy Lives On

While I have returned to my own time, the memories and lessons of my time as Ramses will stay with me always. Some may have seen me as a god, but in truth, it was Egypt and her people who were my divine inspiration. Their strength and spirit will endure for all time, as my own mark on history once did as Ramses the Great.


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