7s Fury 20

  • June 23, 2024
  • Enigma Gaming
1 people played this game

My Experience with 7s Fury 20 by Enigma Gaming

First Impressions

When I first heard rumors about the highly anticipated 7s Fury 20 from Enigma Gaming, my curiosity was piqued. As an avid sports fan who enjoys both the strategy of team gameplay and the thrill of fast-paced action, I eagerly downloaded the demo to experience it for myself.

What I Like and Dislike

One element I appreciate is the breathless velocity of each virtual skirmish. Matches unfold in a whirlwind of split-second decisions, with no time for hesitation. While the controls react intuitively to any command, allowing even rookie players to hold their own, character customization feels somewhat limited. More options to tailor stats or gear to individual athletic styles could enhance replay value.

Funny Moment

In one especially memorable contest, I lofted a beautiful spiral downfield toward an open receiver poised to waltz untouched into the end zone. But without warning, a flock of startled seagulls exploded from the sidelines, momentarily turning the pitch into a frenzied avian free-for-all. As feathers flew and fowl collided in a comedic chaos, the ball slipped from view, and my hapless target wound up tackling a confused gull instead. My opponents and I still laugh about that improbable and hilarious turn of events.

Tips for New Players

Rookies starting out in the high-stakes world of 7s Fury 20 would be wise to focus first on cooperation. Call signals early and often, cover each other’s blunders, and trust teammates to fulfill their roles. With clear communication and mutual support, even a roster of newbs can quickly transform into a well-oiled scoring machine.

Thoughts on Features

I appreciate the range of competitive and casual modes available for any mood. Whether I’m in the spirit for an impromptu pickup match or a more strategic tournament run, there are always engaging options. Periodic challenges also maintain excitement between bouts.


Overall, 7s Fury 20 delivers an exciting new spin on team sports that breaks from tradition while retaining all the strategic enjoyment. Despite minor quibbles, its formula of shortened rosters and accelerated gameplay provides constant thrills whether playing solo or with friends. Fans in search of a virtual diversion with depth, action and laughs will find much to appreciate here.


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