Giro Estelar

  • September 12, 2024
  • MGA
1 people played this game

My Giro Estelar Adventure

First Impressions

Let me tell you about my first encounter with Giro Estelar by MGA. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was browsing through the app store, looking for a new game to pass the time when I stumbled upon this gem. The bright colors and space-themed graphics immediately caught my eye, and I knew I had to give it a try.

What I Like and Dislike

One thing I absolutely love about Giro Estelar is its simplicity. The gameplay is easy to grasp, but challenging enough to keep me coming back for more. I also appreciate the variety of power-ups and obstacles that keep the game interesting.

On the downside, I sometimes find the controls to be a bit finicky, especially when the game speeds up. It can be frustrating when I miss a turn because my swipe wasn't registered properly. Despite this minor annoyance, I still find myself addicted to the game.

A Funny Moment

One time, I was so engrossed in playing Giro Estelar that I didn't notice my cat had jumped onto my lap. As I made a sharp turn in the game, she got startled and clawed my leg in panic. I yelped in surprise and ended up crashing my spaceship into an asteroid. Needless to say, my cat is no longer allowed in the room while I play!

Tips for New Players

For those just starting out on their Giro Estelar journey, my biggest piece of advice is to stay calm and focused. The game can get hectic, but panicking will only lead to mistakes. Practice your swiping technique to ensure precision when navigating through the space lanes.

Thoughts on Features

I find the different themes and backgrounds in Giro Estelar to be a nice touch. It adds some variety to the gameplay and keeps things fresh. The music and sound effects also enhance the overall experience, making me feel like I'm truly flying through space.


Overall, I would highly recommend Giro Estelar to all my friends. It's a fun, addictive game that is perfect for quick gaming sessions or longer playthroughs. Whether you're a casual gamer or a dedicated player, there's something in Giro Estelar for everyone to enjoy.


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